part i c i pat i on requ i rements To par t icipate in thi s program candidates must have thei r superv i sor ’ s approval and ful l suppor t . Please note that your immediate supervisor must also attend the kick-of f session scheduled on August 28, 2024. Supervisor as Co- learner One unique exper ience of ASPIRE i s your superv i sor engagement . We requi re your superv i sor to have an act i ve role in your learning dur ing ASPIRE as a "co- learner , " where you wi l l engage them in post -sess ion di scuss ions about how to best appl y your learning.

El i g i ble part i c i pants Any ful l - t ime Georgia Tech employee in an indi v idual cont r ibutor role . El igible par t icipants should al so be in good standing in terms of per formance wi th no di scipl inary i ssues in the last s i x months .

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